SDCH’s South Davis Specialty Care skilled nursing units achieve a 100% deficiency-free report from its November 2018 state inspection survey. What does this mean? It’s like receiving a perfect report card.
Skilled nursing homes and specialty care facilities like SDCH are under increased scrutiny and changing regulations every year. SDCH’s care units strive to exceed the highest levels of quality short term care, long term care, and specialty care rehab therapy services for our patients. It is an impressive thing for any nursing facility to accomplish, indicating that the South Davis Specialty Care units of our SDCH Campus indeed met or exceeded the highest levels of state standards.
Annual inspections are conducted by the Utah Department of Health Services. Surveyors arrive unannounced and are in the facility over several days – they interview staff, observe care provided, review our procedures, monitor meal service, check for compliance to regulations on care, confidentiality, and quality of services. We have to continually work under the highest level of quality at all times because we never know when an inspection may happen.
It is the goal of SDCH to provide high quality of care in a safe environment, yet with purpose and compassion in caring for patients of all ages, which our community, the state and the surrounding region has come to expect.